Conseil des Femmes Juives de Belgique/Liga van Joodse Vrouwen van België
The Council of Jewish Women of Belgium (Conseil des Femmes Juives de Belgique / Liga van Joodse Vrouwen van België) founded in1976 is an umbrella organization of eight Jewish Women’s associations. Its aims are:
- To promote relations between members
- To defend women’s rights in the Jewish sphere and on national level
- To participate in women’s fight against social, religious and sexist discrimination
- To participate actively in interfaith and intercultural dialogues
We have regular meetings where we share information and participate in associated projects and punctual events. Through our affiliates we are involved in social work and psychological help in the Jewish community.
In our committee, we have different delegates representing CFJB/LJVB on a national level at the 2 councils of French and Flemish-speaking Women. On a European and International level, CFJB/LJVB has 3 delegates representing ICJW: at the interfaith seminars and conferences, at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and at the European Women’s Lobby.
The present Regional European President of ICJW is also member of CFJB/LJVB
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